An extraordinary power, China has thwarted all Western forecasts. Its economic development has not been accompanied by democratization and its diplomatic isolation must be put into perspective. More and more opposed to the West, which it challenges, it finds, on the other hand, important relays in the southern countries that it has long won over. For how much longer ? India has chosen a rapprochement with Washington and its allies in a strategy of containment, the Indo-Pacific, the viability of which remains uncertain. The world economic state, the environmental crisis or terrorism show that China remains more of a force of proposal and much less a reliable partner. Indispensable, it does not less engage our future and this vade-mecum will accompany decision-makers and opinions of all generations in their own reflections.
Authors :
Emmanuel Lincot is Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the Catholic Institute (ICP). Historian, sinologist, he is also an associate researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) where he directs the journal Asia Focus. He created the Master Museum strategies and project management - Asia and carried out the first MOOC on the geopolitics of China, in partnership with France Université Numérique.
Emmanuel Veron holds a doctorate in geography and specializes in contemporary China and international relations. He taught geography and geopolitics of China at INALCO. He is an associate professor-researcher at UMR IFRAE (Inalco) and at the Naval School. He is the general delegate of the Brousse dell'Aquila Endowment Fund (FDBDA).